Amsterdam is now home to a North Korea-themed restaurant. There’s an nine course menu, featuring options like roasted oysters with smoked mackerel, and traditional Korean BBQ. [The Daily Meal]
North Koreans who seek refuge in South Korea have found that with asylum comes a slew of other challeneges. [Business Week]
Japan is getting involved in the tussle over North Korea’s plans to launch a satellite missile. [International Herald Tribune]
Heejun Han has made it to the top final 10 contestants of American Idol! [Korean Beacon]
This article revisits a Korean school in Japan one year after the Earthquake. [Koream]
Korean BBQ chicken is a great and equally delicious alternative to red meat. [Eating and Living]
Here’s a hilarious list of what it’s like to grow up Korean in the US or Canada. [Kimchi Mamas]
Roy Choi’s Kogi BBQ set off a storm of Korean fusion taco trucks. Check out his full story here! [Working World]
- Photo: Eating and Living